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Category Archives: bike lawyer Ottawa

disability claims

Involved in a car accident in Ottawa, Ontario and need to fill out insurance forms?

Motor Vehicle Accidents in Ontario and OCFs : Auto Insurance Claims Forms When someone is injured in a motor vehicle accident, there are two possible actions. The injured person may sue the at-fault driver and may at the same time apply for Accident Benefits (AB). ABs are the benefits included in any motor vehicle insurance policy; eligibility is not contingent on being at-fault for the accident. The basic benefits are Medical and Rehabilitation Benefits, Income Replacement Benefits, as well as Death and Funeral expenses. More extensive insurance policies may have higher coverage as well as Caregiver Benefits and Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Benefits. When an insurance company is notified of a motor vehicle accident, they will send an information package with Auto Insurance Claims Forms (OCFs) to their …

car accidents

The issue of mandatory insurance for farm ATVs in Ontario – ATV Accidents in Ottawa, Ontario

On July 11, 2014, the Ontario Court of Appeal released a decision of great interest to the farming community, as it relates to All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs). In Matheson v Lewis, 2014 ONCA 542 (, the Court ruled that unmodified ATVs used in the context of farming must be insured if driven on public roadways. Farm ATVs—often used as a speedy way of surveying large swaths of land—do not fall within the “self-propelled implement of husbandry” exception of the Highway Traffic Act, RSO 1990, c H.8 [HTA], which otherwise encompasses farm machinery. The story behind this case is quite sad. Arthur Matheson, a farmer from Perth, gated sheep on a parcel of land at the most westerly part of his 900-acre property. To get to this parcel, he …