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Category Archives: injury cases and judges

dog attacks

Who is considered an “owner” of a dog in Ontario dog bite cases?

In a dog owners liability case, who is considered an owner of the dog. That question is answered specifically in the Dog Owners Liability Act of Ontario. Section 1 of that act defines owner as “when used in relation to a dog, includes a person who possesses or harbours the dog and, where the owner is a minor, the person responsible for the custody of the minor”. The definition is reasonably wide and will include any persons who have control over a dog. Moreover, section 2(2) of the Act provides that where there is more than one owner of a dog, the owners are jointly and severally liable. In reading the definition of owner under the Act, it includes a person who harbors a dog. What is considered …

Car Accident Injury Victims Suffer Another Hit by Changes to the Insurance Act of Ontario

Catastrophic determinations under the Insurance Act of Ontario The definition of catastrophic impairment changed in 2010. It will change again in 2016 and it is not good news for car accident injury victims. The changes to the definition may make it more difficult for injured persons to claim “catastrophic impairment” in motor vehicle accidents in Ontario. For collisions that occur on or after September 1, 2010 but before June 1, 2016 the definition of a catastrophic impairment is as follows: In Ontario, the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS), define in his clauses 2(1.2)(f) and (g) what we can consider as a catastrophic impairment. Basically, the law define it as follow: For the purposes of this Regulation, a catastrophic impairment caused by an accident is, paraplegia or quadriplegia; the …