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Category Archives: litigation loans

Slips and Falls Causing Injuries on Ottawa Properties – Ottawa Accident Lawyer

Personal Injury Cases and Steps Taken by Ottawa Injury Lawyers – Slips and Falls If you have been injured if you have been injured in an accident anywhere in Ontario, chances are you may be able to obtain compensation from the person responsible for the accident. If you have been injured on someone else’s property, it is likely that the Occupiers Liability Act of Ontario will apply. This act mandates that all property owners and occupiers take reasonable steps to ensure persons using their property is reasonably safe at all times. Your Ottawa personal injury lawyer will take many steps to advance your claim. For instance, in Ontario, parties are governed by the Rules of Civil Procedure, which mandates every party to disclose all documents that are relevant …

Can your Ottawa injury lawyer tell an effective story?

The importance of story telling in personal injury cases In all cases, but more so in the context of personal injury cases, the importance of effective storytelling is something many lawyers forget. An effective injury lawyer should concentrate on the facts of the case, also know the law, but a good handle of the facts and ability to story tell can make a world of a difference in reaching settlement or winning at trial. A good story teller in an injury lawyer can convince a trier of fact (judge or jury) that the injured person’s case should be viewed from their perspective. The store telling should enable the jury to consider themselves in the shoes of the injury victim, sympathize with their story, suffering etc. and empathize with …