Who is responsible for paying compensation when a person falls due to ice and snow on another’s property? Owners and Occupiers and sometimes Contractors
Marc Quinn is an Ottawa injury lawyer specializing in slip and fall cases. With nearly 20 years of experience as a slip and fall lawyer, he has handled every type of fall case you can imagine. He has extensive experience obtaining compensation for persons who have suffered personal injury as a result of slips and falls on snow, ice or other surfaces causing falls.
Who is responsible in fall cases? The responsibility usually rests with the owner of the property on which the person fell, or the occupier on that property such as a tenant or other person responsible for the property. In many cases, contractors hired by owners and occupiers are also jointly liable / responsible. In Ontario, property owners are responsible for removing ice and snow from their properly within reason. The test is one of reasonableness. In essence, owners must take reasonable steps necessary to make their property reasonablysafe during all times and during winter that means taking care of ice and snow on their property.
Pedestrians have a right to expect that the property they enter upon is reasonably safe and the owner will take reasonable steps to maintain the property safe. Whether a person is walking in a store, in a mall, parking lot, in a private residence, a pathway or a sidewalk, they have the right to expect the property will be safe. If you have been injured as a result of falling on snow or ice or trip because of a hazard and are injured, you may be entitled to obtain compensation for your personal injuries as long as you can prove that the owner was negligent. Our lawyers have a significant amount of experience proving negligence of others. We have the experience, knowledge and expertise to handle all types of slip and fall cases. We allocate all of our resources to help our clients obtain fair compensation for their injuries. We know the insurance tactics and how to fight for your rights.
In Ontario, any property owner or any other person who has control of a property can be held liable to pay compensation to someone who was injured due to their negligence.
If you have fallen because of ice or snow or some other cause, it is important that you take photos of the area where you fell as soon as possible after the fall to prove the condition of the property at the time of the fall. You should also obtain the names and contact information of any witnesses. Our lawyers will contact the witnesses and obtain statements. While you recover from your injuries our injury lawyers will be hard at work pursuing your claims for compensation.
When you look to select an injury lawyer, know that we have the experience, dedication and knowledge of the insurance industry needed to obtain compensation for you. We handle snow and ice cases every day. We can protect your rights in all fall cases and our experience as slip and fall lawyers will help you obtain the compensation you deserve.
We work on a no fee until you win basis and offer free consultations. Call our slip and fall lawyers at 613-315-4878.
Marc Quinn Ottawa slip and fall lawyer