SNOW AND ICE ACCIDENT LAWYERS – OTTAWA, ONTARIO FALL LAWYERS Who is responsible for paying compensation when a person falls due to ice and snow on another’s property? Owners and Occupiers and sometimes Contractors Marc Quinn is an Ottawa injury lawyer specializing in slip and fall cases. With nearly 20 years of experience as a slip and fall lawyer, he has handled every type of fall case you can imagine. He has extensive experience obtaining compensation for persons who have suffered personal injury as a result of slips and falls on snow, ice or other surfaces causing falls. Who is responsible in fall cases? The responsibility usually rests with the owner of the property on which the person fell, or the occupier on that property such as a …
Injured in a car accident? better be a very bad accident, otherwise you will get little compensation in Ontario. In Ontario, if you are injured in a car accident, a award for “pain and suffering” is generally only available if you have suffered what is called a ‘permanent and serious physical or psychological impairment or permanent and serious scarring’. Once you meet that test, the insurance company is then entitled to apply what is called a deductible from any damages assessed, essentially they get to reduce the amount they have to pay for pain and suffering, in many cases by $30,000 (adjusted to today’s dollars – about $35,500). What is a “deductible” on pain and suffering? If you sue the car driver who caused you injury and you …