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Category Archives: Personal Injury Lawyer

other accidents

The use of Facebook to defame someone ! Watch Out ! Ottawa Injury Lawyer comments on growing case law protecting victims.

Facebook and Defamation – Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer comments on law and tort of breach of privacy The Courts, with changing times and ever changing technological advances does adapt to ensure wrongful acts (called torts in law) are recognized and victims are properly compensated. In the recent 2015 case of Hardev Kumar v. Vinod Khurana, the Court found in favour of an individual who was defamed. In doing so, the Court considered comments posted on Facebook which were ultimately found to be libelous (published false statement). The Court found that persons could be defamed (which includes spoken and written words) by means of internet communication such as postings on Facebook. In this case, the Defendant posted statements on the Plaintiff’s Facebook page that suggested that the Plaintiff was …

dog attacks

Pain and Suffering Damages – Emotional Distress Caused by a Dog Injuring or Killing Your Dog? Ontario Dog Liability Lawyer Explains!

Can a dog attack injury victim obtain compensation for emotional distress in an Ontario dog bite cases? In a dog owners liability case, the main statute to consider (other than local by-laws), is the Dog Owners Liability Act of Ontario. That statute imposes strict liability on dog owners for payment of compensation to persons injured by dogs. Section 2 of that Act provides for liability where a dog has bitten or attacked a person “or domestic animal”. The term domestic animal was added to the Act recognizing that dogs can attack persons and other animals and cause injury. In general terms, a domestic animal is considered an animal that belongs to a species that is not wild by nature. One case often relied upon by personal injury lawyers …