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Category Archives: no fee until you win

slip and falls

Slip and Falls in Stores – Ottawa Fall and Injury Lawyer

Can stores be held liable to pay compensation if someone falls in their store? Slip and fall accidents occur frequently in stores and an Ottawa injury lawyer can help you obtain fair compensation. Stores invite people to come onto their property to purchase items. As a result, store owners and managers have a duty to keep the store reasonably safe. If the condition of the store (such as a wet floor or an object eft on the floor) contributes to or causes someone to fall and be injured, the store owner and occupier can ne held liable and have to pay damages (compensation) to the injured person. In Ontario, the Occupier’s Liability Act imposes a positive duty on store owners to keep their stores safe. Under that Act, …

Can your Ottawa injury lawyer tell an effective story?

The importance of story telling in personal injury cases In all cases, but more so in the context of personal injury cases, the importance of effective storytelling is something many lawyers forget. An effective injury lawyer should concentrate on the facts of the case, also know the law, but a good handle of the facts and ability to story tell can make a world of a difference in reaching settlement or winning at trial. A good story teller in an injury lawyer can convince a trier of fact (judge or jury) that the injured person’s case should be viewed from their perspective. The store telling should enable the jury to consider themselves in the shoes of the injury victim, sympathize with their story, suffering etc. and empathize with …