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Category Archives: ottawa trip and fall lawyers

disability claims

Involved in a car accident in Ottawa, Ontario and need to fill out insurance forms?

Motor Vehicle Accidents in Ontario and OCFs : Auto Insurance Claims Forms When someone is injured in a motor vehicle accident, there are two possible actions. The injured person may sue the at-fault driver and may at the same time apply for Accident Benefits (AB). ABs are the benefits included in any motor vehicle insurance policy; eligibility is not contingent on being at-fault for the accident. The basic benefits are Medical and Rehabilitation Benefits, Income Replacement Benefits, as well as Death and Funeral expenses. More extensive insurance policies may have higher coverage as well as Caregiver Benefits and Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Benefits. When an insurance company is notified of a motor vehicle accident, they will send an information package with Auto Insurance Claims Forms (OCFs) to their …

Can the insurance company use my Fitbit data? Ottawa insurance lawyers provide guidance.

Wearable fitness trackers are all the rage. They measure your heart rate, sleep, eating habits, and more. They follow you on your wrist wherever you go. And insurance companies and law firms are keenly aware of this. FuelBand, Fitbit, Jawbone and other such exercise gadgets store personalized data about their wearers, so that it may afterwards be analyzed. While intended for a user’s own benefit, this gold mine of information is presently being used in a personal injury case in Calgary, Alberta. While it is a Canadian case, the implications of it are gathering international attention.. It could be the first time objective evidence is available to quantify an injured party’s loss, instead of the traditional way of gathering medical evidence (i.e., booking a medical appointment and self-reporting …