Ottawa Wrongful Death Lawyers
I can think of nothing more profoundly traumatic than losing someone you care about in an accident due to the negligence of another. Car accidents and other accidents can cause the death of a loved one. Family members such as a spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent and grandchild are able to claim damages from the person who caused the accident under the Ontario Family Law Act, otherwise known as wrongful death damages.
What types of damages are available in wrongful death cases? They include:
Medical treatments Funeral expenses Counseling treatments Any actual expenses reasonably incurred for the benefit of the deceased person Some travel expenses Compensation for time spent caring for the person injured who died Loss of income Economic losses An amount to compensate family members for the loss of guidance, care and companionship that the claimant might reasonably have expected to receive from the person if the injury or death had not occurred Loss of financial support received from the deceased Loss of household services provided by the deceased Loss of financial contribution received from the deceased Various expenses for the care of any surviving children
Wrongful death cases are extremely complex and there are time limits placed in these claims so you must act quickly . All cases are decided on their own particular facts. Our lawyers will carefully review all of the relevant facts of your case and make a recommendation for compensation based on a well informed and researched assessment.
Contact us for a free consultation. We work on a no fees until you win basis.
Marc-Nicholas Quinn, Injury Lawyer and Mediator Ottawa Wrongful Death Lawyers 613-315-4878