Dog bites and attacks in Ottawa, Ontario. Injury lawyer focussing on dog bite and attack law explains some basic information on liability when it comes to dogs.
Dogs are a very popular pet in Ontario. With dog ownership there comes responsibility and potential significant liability. Not every insurance policy will cover you if your dog hurts someone else or destroys property. In Ottawa, I see dogs everywhere, in neighbourhoods, parks, streets, dog parks and in cars. It is not surprising that when people and dogs interact, there will be injuries suffered by people. In many cases, the dogs attack because the owner is irresponsible or careless. Liability will usually follow the dog owner and for good reason. Dogs can seriously injure or even kill a person and children are especially vulnerable to suffering serious injuries.
In Ontario, the main legislation that deals with dog bites and attacks is the Dog Owners’ Liability Act. This statute makes owners strictly liable (responsible) for any injuries and damages resulting from their dog’s attack or bite on a person, a person’s pet or damage to property. In basic terms, the dog attack victim need only prove that they were injured by a dog and identify the owner to have a valid claim for compensation. It is important to know that a dog owner can be held liable even if their dog never attacked before or they had no prior knowledge that their dog could be dangerous. In Ontario, dogs are presumed dangerous. In most municipalities there are local by-laws protecting victims as well which impose penalties and obligations on dog owners.
When determining how much compensation should be paid, the Court will review all the circumstances such as the severity of the injuries, the impact of those injures on the injured person. The Court will review the extent to which the dog’s attack affected the injured’s person’s life, such as pain and suffering, medical costs, incurring out of pocket expenses and income losses.
Dog attacks and bites can often be a loss covered by a homeowners’ insurance policy. However, this is not always the case. Renter’s insurance can also cover this loss.
If you or someone you care about has been the victim of a dog bite or attack, we can assist in obtaining fair and reasonable compensation. Most cases are settled out of court. Our personal injury lawyers are very familiar with the laws surrounding dogs and dog attacks. Our Ottawa dog bite lawyers can provide you with a free consultation and opinion on your case and work on a no fee until you win basis and we almost always win!
Contact us for a free consultation.
Marc-Nicholas Quinn Ottawa Dog Bite Lawyer Ottawa Dog Attack Lawyer 613-315-4878