The legal steps taken to settle a case between private parties are called litigation. A private party could be an individual or a business. A litigation lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in helping private parties settle their lawsuits. A litigation lawyer may work inside or outside a courtroom and take cases in criminal and civil trials.
Case Types
A civil case is a dispute between private parties, such as divorce, personal injury, contracts, and selling property. These kinds of cases are tried in a civil court. There is usually monetary compensation when the case is resolved.
A criminal case is handled in criminal court. In this type of case, the federal or state government prosecutes a private party. If the party being charged is found guilty, probation or jail time are the usual results.
Dispute Settlements
Many litigation lawyers who work for Ottawa law firms try to find ways to settle cases outside of the courtroom. A popular procedure for this is the Alternative Dispute Resolution that allows parties to work through their dispute in a setting that is neutral. Mediation or arbitration is usually involved. Mediation is a process that is less formal. In this process, private parties may hire Ottawa law firms as neutral third parties to help negotiate between the parties.
Arbitration is a process where a litigation lawyer will hear listen to both parties. Then the lawyer will issue a decision and the case will be resolved.
Ottawa law firms can be paid in several ways. How a firm is paid depends on the preferences of the individual firm. In civil cases, contingency fees are often used. The litigation lawyer receives a certain per cent of the money awarded to the client as a fee. Flat fees are payment amounts that the client and lawyer agree upon before the case is taken. Another payment method some Ottawa law firms prefer is an hourly rate, where the lawyer will charge by the hour for their services.
There are several benefits to hiring a litigation lawyer. Litigation lawyers can help their clients make sure that a lawsuit is worth the trouble of filing. These lawyers can offer valuable advice to their clients and they ensure that client’s rights are protected at all times. They can also help their clients decide what the best way to win a case may be.